Thursday, 4 June 2009

Writing A Novel

Novel Writing Made Easy-How
To Plan A Novel That Practically Writes Itself


It’s not difficult to find information on how to write a novel. It’s not hard to find novel writing classes and novel writing books. But it IS difficult to find a full, step-by-step novel writing system that will lead you all the way from idea to completed book. It IS especially difficult to find an affordable such system.

Most novel writing programs either give you only part of what you need to know on writing a novel, or they cost hundreds of dollars or more.

Author Andrea Rains Waggener saw this void in the novel writing information arena and decided to put her expertise to use. She wrote a set of e-books that lays out a complete, step-by-step plan for planning and writing a novel.

The Novel Writing Made Easy-How To Plan A Novel That Practically Writes Itself writing system is not just one, but two e-books. One e-book is a 184-page information packed instruction manual for planning and starting your novel. The other e-book is 97-page taskbook that walks you through the actions you must take to put into practice what you learned from the manual. The Novel Writing Made Easy System is an organized, easy-to-follow system that can teach anyone to turn an idea into a completed novel.

Written in an easy-to-follow, conversational style, the Novel Writing Made Easy-How To Plan A Novel That Practically Writes Itself writing system is a quick read. It is also a fun read.

Andrea, whose first novel was picked up by one of the biggest publishers in the world, Bantam Dell, admits that it took her awhile to develop a novel writing system that works. She’s sharing her system, she says, because she doesn’t want other new novelists to struggle as she did.

If you want to get a look at the kind of information Andrea has to offer, sign up to receive her two free reports, The 18 Most Common Writing Mistakes And How To Avoid Them and A Dozen Fiction Writing Mistakes And How To Sweep Them Out Of Your Story and get her Weekly Writing Tips-Ideas And Exercises To Help You Be A Better Writer. They’re worth giving up your e-mail address for.

The Novel Writing Made Easy-How To Plan A Novel That Practically Writes Itself writing system covers these aspects of putting together a novel:

  • Brainstorming every twist and turn of your story’s action
  • Developing a compelling plot
  • Creating powerful subplots that will make your novel rich and engaging
  • Developing the back story that will make your characters every bit as real as you or me
  • Creating complete main character sketches and a minor character sketches that will bring your characters to such vivid life that you AND your reader will feel like they’re real people
  • Creating a compelling overall novel setting that will make your novel stand out heads above your competition
  • Determining what research you need to do, and how to do just the right amount (not too much or too little)
  • Designing the scenes of your novel in a way that will assure that your novel’s pacing will be just right
  • Writing in a way that evokes all the senses so your reader will be drawn into your novel’s world
  • Choosing the best words to conjure the image you want to create so that your writing is polished and professional
  • Creating a perfect balance of details, enough but not too much, so that your reader always has a clear picture of your scenes but is never bored
  • Writing a editor- or agent-grabbing query letter for your novel
  • Writing a 15- to 25-page synopsis of your novel that will tease editors or agents just enough that they’ll HAVE to see the rest of your novel

Although saying that your novel will write itself if you follow the steps in the e-books is a bit of a stretch, the process does make writing a novel MUCH easier. Andrea admits that her process isn’t as quick as some online novel writing e-book authors promise (you probably won’t be able to do all she suggests you do in 30 days), she says that her system will take you to a quality book.

Although I haven’t put her system to the test yet, the step-by-step plan makes perfect sense. For the first time, I can imagine myself getting through the complexity of writing something as big as a novel.

The e-book set has only one minor drawback. It will be tough for you to know if you’re on track with the tasks you’re doing in the taskbook without getting feedback. Andrea, however, does have a coaching system that can help with that, and she provides information about it in the e-books.

The feedback problem aside, the e-books have enough top-notch information to make it well worth their price. The bonus material, which include several writing books and books to help you improve your creativity, are impressive.

At $47, the e-book set and its bonuses is a great deal. You’ll definitely get your money’s worth. The e-book has an open-ended guarantee so you don’t take any risk.

All in all, I highly recommend the Novel Writing Made Easy System to any who has ever thought about writing a novel.

Click here for more information on Writing a Novel

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